将来アメリカで教授職に就きたい人のために、他のパネリスト(コロンビア大の卒業生)とディスカッションしたり、質問に答えたりします。僕はEngineering というか工学部代表みたいな感じで、ファカルティがどのように、テクノロジー、イノベーション、インダストリー、パテント、スタートアップとかかわっていくのかについてお話しさせていただきます。
- どうやって厳しい競争に勝ってファカルティポジションを得る?
- 政府研究資金、グラント、企業からの資金はどのように集める?
- ラボ・研究室の主宰・運営はどうやる?
- どのようにモリモリ研究する学生を集める?
- 研究チームの作り方・管理、研究テーマはどう決める?
- ティーチングはどうやってスキルを磨く?
- 新しいコースはどうやって作る?
- ドクター、マスター、学部のカリキュラムを作る場合どうする?
- 同僚とのいい関係を保つファカルティになるには?
- 各種委員会やサービスのこなし方は?
- 中間レビューはどう切り抜ける?
- 7年後のテニュア(終身在職権)はどうやって取る?
- もし7年でテニュア取れなかったらどんな選択肢がある?
- 昇進をアプライしたらどんな仕組みで決まるの?
詳しくはこちらのリンク: http://bit.ly/2Dtbir3


IDP Career Panel: Academic Careers
Friday, April 26, 2019 6:00 PM – 8:30 PMRoy And Diana Vagelos Education Center, 104 Haven Ave., New York, NY 10032
Room/Area: 401
Add to CalendarShareEvent URLA panel focused on careers in academia will take place the evening of April 26th at Columbia University, Medical Campus. The panelists will respond to moderated questions in the first portion of the event, after which questions from audience members will be addressed. A networking session will follow the panel session and will provide an opportunity for attendees to interact in more depth with the panelists. The panelists have a variety of training backgrounds such as Biomedicine, Molecular Biology, Engineering, Psychology, and Neurology.
The panelists include:
Daniel Herranz Benito, PhD*: Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Farnaz Kaighobadi, PhD*: Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Bronx Community College
Estela Area Gomez, PhD*: Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Columbia University
Masato R. Nakamura, PhD*: Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, CUNY New York City College of Technology
Jacky Austermann, PhD: Assistant Professor, Columbia University, Department of Earth and Environmental Studies
*indicates a Columbia postdoc or graduate student alumni
This event is part of the monthly career panel series portion of the IDP program for postdocs and doctoral level graduate students at Columbia University. This is the last panel in this series. The goal of this career panel series is to expose postdocs and doctoral graduate students to a broad range of career options and provide a forum to learn about the experiences of individuals who have transitioned into these careers following their graduate or postdoctoral training.Event Contact Information:
Amanda Kelly
212 305 4073
More detail: http://bit.ly/2Dtbir3