コロナウイルス拡大で大勢の方がお忙しい中、銃社会に挑んでいる僕のプロジェクトを取り上げてもらい、SDGsのソーシャルアントレプレナーとして記事で紹介していただきました。記者の方、編集部の方々、日経新聞社さんありがとうございます。@nikkei #撃てない銃#smartgun#スマートガン
The Nikkei, the world’s largest financial newspaper, has introduced me as one of the social entrepreneurs working for UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The article published today is about how I started the Smart Gun Project, of which purpose is to reduce gun violence in the US, with research assistants in my lab group and City Tech’s industrial design students.

It also explains how my research of Energy and Environmental Simulation was applied to a firearm turning into a smart device (gun equipped with sensors and a computer) in order to identify the owner and collect data before&after pulled the trigger. In addition, this article in Japanese shows how I came to the US after I had a stroke due to a stressful working condition that I experienced as an engineer in Tokyo.

「撃てない銃」開発者 米社会の悲劇を減らしたい SDGs起業家たち(8):日本経済新聞